Backup/Sharing Files

How do I send a file through 2 hops?

In order to scp from an outside machine to an inside machine, our gateway machines vorlon or shadow must be used.  To get to the end machine, 2 hops are required.  This command utilizes scp's built in funcitons to allow a single command for putting a file from machine a -> gateway -> machine b securely: 

From Machine A:

scp -Cp -o "ProxyCommand ssh nc 22"

Please note that this is all one line, and you should substitute your username in both places, even though they may be the same. c.txt is the example file name. 

How can I transfer a large file to someone?

Using SFTP or WinSCP is the best way to transfer a large file outside of the EAS department. Whoever is receiving the file must be set up to do so. The EASISG will not allow clients outside of the department to connect to our servers to retrieve files. They must be "put" from EAS to the client.

Does EAS provide backup service?

Yes.  CrashPlan software is available for desktop and notebook backups.  Please submit a Help Desk Request to have it installed on your GT owned equipment.